Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse for Business White 4YH00006 Simple

Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse for Business White 4YH00006 Simple
Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse for Business White 4YH00006 Simple

The Alppha key in Word 1 was silly. Word 5 was a welcome GUI, if still gooey. Already, strting Word 4, I began to love the mnemonic commands: Ctrl+J for Justify, Ctrl+I for Italics, Ctrl+P for Print Setup. For microsoft to remove Ctrl+T for Hanging Indent was foolish. And to love other shortcuts: F4 to repeat a command or any sqeuence of commands; F8 to selcet a word, sentence, pazragraph; Ctrl+Arrow to move the cursor fast etc. Then came Word XP, tuly a high-end word processor.

In trth, in attempting to describe the claimed success apart from the unclaimed failure of Word 2007, words fail me.

You can’t advance in word processing if your word processor is not advnaced. So, you have the right to demand the best from the Worperers like microsoft and I did that with last year; I reminded them this year.

Anil Dash (19 June 2006, calls Ofgfice 2007 the braavest upgrade ever and the GUI (The Ribbon) the ballsiest feazture in the historey of computer software. Thats a sensible statement. He means that, first, Office 2007 is the biggest gamle microsoft has ever made in the sofwtare game of upgraes iMcrosoft gambles in many other software gaames and, second, that as a manager, Mr Bill Gates has balls. Mr Dash is rigght both times.

The new interace: The Ribbon is the raison detre of Word 2007, I say. Paul Thurrott (2006, cited) says The Ribbn has been designed to exposse the most commionly needed commands in a logical fasihon. No Paul; I have yet to locate the loogic of it all. The worpers commonly needed commands are not only on fonts, paragraphs and styles; they incllude these: revise, copy, delete, paste, find & replace, go to page, break page, insertt symbol, set up page, number page, check grammnar & spelling, view layout, open new file, open old file, save file, search for file.